Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 S2 S3 Terbaru PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (Afiliasi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara) Agustus 2023

LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Agustus 2023) - Pernah terpikirkah oleh kita, jika kegagalan kita dalam melamar pekerjaan terkadang disebabkan oleh hal-hal yang dasar seperti CV? CV merupakan media penggambaran tentang diri kita bagi rekruter. Jadi selama ini apakah CV kita sudah Tepat? Jadi sebelum anda membuat sebuah CV terlebih dulu Anda harus mengetahui bagaimana cara membuat CV dengan benar dan  dengan tampilan yang profesional. Banyak sekali referensi di internet yang memberikan contoh contoh terbaik mengenai pembuatan Curiculum vitae yang baik dan benar. Anda dapat mengggunakan contoh tentang pembuatan curriculum vitae agar Anda dapat lebih mudah membuatnya dan CV Anda terkesan profesional. Membuat curriculum vitae yang baik dan benar itu haruslah memberikan data-data dan pengalaman kerja Anda yang benar serta dengan jelas memberikan pengalaman kerja yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan.  Peluang kerja bisa anda dapatkan lebih besar ketika Anda mempersiapkan diri secara matang untuk bisa terjun ke dalam dunia kerja. Banyak yang perlu Anda lakukan sehingga Anda dapat menjadi seorang pribadi dengan memiliki segudang  pengetahuan dan kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia yang lebih baik. Anda harus mengetahui bahwa perusahaan hanya mencari pelamar - pelamar yang berkompetensi dan memiliki pengalaman untuk menangani dan mampu menaklukkan berbagai jenis pekerjaan yang mereka butuhkan. Untuk itulah Setiap perusahaan membuat sebuah seleksi dan tes untuk menemukan calon karyawan berpotensi yang memahami akan bidang pekerjaan yang mereka inginkan. Di sinilah menguji letak keseriusan setiap calon karyawan Apakah sudah memiliki kesiapan dalam menerima tantangan. Banyak pengalaman orang mengalami kegagalan dalam mencari pekerjaan ataupun lamarannya tidak ada panggilan. Tetapi hal tersebut tidak menyurutkan langkah Anda untuk mencari pekerjaan yang lebih baik lagi. Dalam mencari pekerjaan, Anda harus melakukan persiapan yang matang agar anda lebih siap menghadapi beberapa tantangan dalam proses perekrutan. Dengan mengalami kegagalan berarti anda sudah mengetahui Dimana letak kekurangan dan kesalahan yang anda temukan sehingga lamaran anda tidak ada panggilan. Lowongan Kerja PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (Afiliasi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara) - PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (SENA) yang didirikan di Jakarta pada tanggal 20 April 2015, merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT PGAS Solution, perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia dalam bidang transmisi dan distribusi gas bumi. Tujuan dari pendirian SENA adalah untuk memberikan layanan jasa engineering di industri oil dan gas. Saat ini PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (Afiliasi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara) kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Agustus 2023 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir. Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (Afiliasi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara) Tahun 2023 Posisi: 1. Analyst Officer * S1 any discipline * Preferably 4 years’ experience or diploma (D3) in any discipline * At least 7 years working experience in document control and reporting system in construction activity with preferable. * 3 years inside in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation project 2. Civil & Structure EngineerS1 Civil * At least 7 years working experience as Structural Engineer related education background and expertise. * Minimum of 4 years in projects and/or facilities handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 3. Contract Specialist * S1 in engineering, science, economic business administration or information technology * Preferably 8 years working experiences or associate degree (D3) in engineering, science, economic, business administration or information technology * Or at least 10 years working experience or Senior High School with 13 years in contract administration management. * Multi discipline of materials and services with minimum 7 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 4. Contract Analyst * Bachelor degree (S1) all discipline * Preferably 4 years working experiences or associate degree (D3) all discipline with 8 years working experience. * Or Senior High School with 10 years working experience in construction contract administration or management or implementation related field with * Minimum 3 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 5. CCMS Junior System Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering, computer, information technology * Preferably 4 years working experience or associate. * At least degree (D3) in engineering, computer, information technology or science * Minimum of 7 years working experience in information technology and contract management * Minimum 3 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 6. CCMS System Engineer * S1 in engineering, computer, information technology or science * Preferably 8 years working experience or associate degree (D3) engineering, computer, information technology or science. * Minimum of 12 years working experience in information technology and contract management * Minimum of 6 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 7. CCMS System Engineer Superintendent * S1 in engineering, computer, or information technology or science * Preferably 15 years working experience or associate degree (D3) engineering, computer, information technology or science. * 20 years working experience in information technology and contract management with minimum 10 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/Highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 8. Design Engineer 9. Design Engineer – Civil &Structural Design Engineer – Electrical 10. Design Engineer – Instrumentation & Control 11. Design Engineer – Mechanical 12. Design Engineer – Piping 13. Design Engineer – Pipeline 14. Design Engineer – Marine * Bachelor degree (S1) engineering all discipline * Minimum 6 years working experience in any related engineering discipline, either in provision of FEED as well as detail engineering, in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 15. Electrical & Instrument Engineer * S1 for electrical Engineering, industrial electrical * Preferably 7 years working experience in Electrical & Instrument Engineering related to education background and expertise. * Minimum of 4 years in projects and/or facilities handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 16. Information Management Specialist * S1 in engineering, computer, information technology or science * Preferably with 6 years working experience or diploma (D3) engineering, computer, information technology or science. * At least degree 8 years working experience in information technology and contract management. * Minimum 3 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 17. Information Management Analyst * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering, computer, information technology * 5 years working experience or diploma (D3) engineering, computer, information technology or science. * Minimum 7 years working experience in information technology and contract management with minimum 3 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 18. Junior Assistant * Fresh graduate (S1) all discipline * Preferably less than 4 years old working experience in since the day of graduation * Minimum D3 all discipline with less than 5 years old working experience 19. Mechanical Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) * Mechanical engineering with minimum 6 years working experience in Mechanical Engineering in accordance with the discipline and work field * Minimum 4 years of which in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 20. Process Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) in chemical, industrial, or petroleum engineering * Minimum 6 years working experience in Process Engineering for oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 21. Process Safety Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) or (S2) * Chemical engineering, Mechanical engineering or relevan engineering with 4-year experience in safety engineering process in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 22. Project Controller * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering, science, economics, management or computer * At least 6 years or diploma (D3) with minimum 10 years * Working experience in project cost estimating and control with minimum 3 years of which experience in cost controller/scheduler/planner for oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 23. Project Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering all discipline, industrial technology, and science * Minimum 6 years working experience or diploma (D3) in engineering all discipline industrial technology, and science * Minimum 8 years working experience in any engineering related discipline for oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 24. Senior Design Engineer 25. Senior Design Engineer – Civil and Structural 26. Senior Design Engineer – Electrical 27. Senior Design Engineer – Instrumentation & Control 28. Senior Design Engineer – Mechanical 29. Senior Design Engineer – Piping 30. Senior Design Engineer – Pipeline 31. Senior Design Engineer – Marine * Bachelor degree (S1) engineering all discipline * Minimum 10 years working experience in Process Engineering in accordance with the discipline and work field in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects * Minimum 7 years in senior or lead position. 32. Senior Process Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) in chemical, industrial, or petroleum engineering * Minimum 10 years working experience in Process Engineering in accordance with the discipline and work field in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects * Minimum 7 years in senior or lead position. 33. Senior Process Safety Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) or (S2) in chemical engineering, Teknik mesin, or relevan engineering * 10 years’ experience in safety engineering process * Minimum 3 years in between as Sr Process Safety Engineer or Lead Process Safety Engineer in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 34. Senior Project Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) engineering all discipline * 10 years’ experience in safety engineering process * Minimum 3 years in between as Sr Process Safety Engineer or Lead Process Safety Engineer in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 35. Senior Contract Specialist * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering, science, economic, business administration or information technology * 13 years working experiences or associate degree (D3) engineering, science, economic, business administration or information technology * 16 years working experience in administration of project management and contract construction/engineering/field supervision * Minimum 10 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 36. Senior CCMS System Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering, computer, information technology or science * 10 years working experience or associate degree (D3) engineering, computer, information technology or science * At least 14 years working experience in information technology and contract management * Minimum 8 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 37. Technical Assistant * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering, science, economic, business administration or information technology * 5 years working experiences or associate degree (D3) engineering, science, economic, business administration or information technology * Minimum 8 years working experience in providing various technical assistances based on required work discipline * Minimum 4 years of which in project and/or facility handling oil and gas or petrochemical. 38. Turbin Engineer * Bachelor degree (S1) in mechanical engineering * Minimum 6 years working experience in Mechanical Engineering/ Turbomachinery Engineering in accordance with the discipline and work field * Minimum 4 years of which project management and/or power generation projects and HRSG. 39. Technical Expert of Power System, Transmission and Distribution * Education is bachelor degree (S1) in electrical engineering or physic engineering * Minimum 6 years working experience in I&C Engineering in accordance with the discipline and work field * Minimum 4 years of which in project management and/or power generation projects and HRSG 40. Technical Expert of Generation/Turbine Protection and Controls * Qualification is bachelor degree (S3) program study of power system engineering * 15 years’ work experience, or diploma (S2) program study of power system engineering study with 20 years’ experience * S1 majoring in electrical engineering with 25 years’ experience as design engineer / consultant for generation, transmission system facilities, and electricity distribution in industries related to Power Generation or Power Plant, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Mining etc. 41. Technical Expert of High Voltage * Bachelor degree (S3) of power system engineering * 15 years’ work experience, or diploma (S2) program study of power system engineering study with 20 years’ experience * S1 majoring in electrical engineering with 25 years’ experience as design engineer / consultant for generation, transmission system facilities, and electricity distribution in industries related to Power Generation or Power Plant, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Mining etc. 42. Technical Expert Electrical Equipment Reliabillity * (S3) of power system engineering * 15 years’ work experience, or diploma (S2) program study of power system engineering study with 20 years’ experience * S1 majoring in electrical engineering with 25 years’ experience as design engineer / consultant for generation, transmission system facilities, and electricity distribution in industries related to Power Generation or Power Plant, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Mining etc. 43. Web Designer * (S1) majoring in Engineering, computer, information technology or science * 3 years work experience or diploma (D3) majoring in engineering, computer, information technology or science * At least 5 years work experience in information technology 44. Commissioning Engineer (V4) 45. Commissioning Engineer – Process (Onsite) (V4) * Bachelor degree (S1) in chemical engineering. * 6 years working experiences in planning and execution of installation, testing, pre-commissioning, commissioning, and startup activities of electrical equipment in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 46. Commissioning Engineer – Electrical (Onsite) (V4) * (S1) in electrical engineering * 6 years working experiences in planning and execution of installation, testing, pre-commissioning, commissioning, and startup activities of electrical equipment in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 47. Commissioning Engineer – Mechanical (Onsite) (V4) * Bachelor’s degree (S1) in mechanical engineering * 6 years working experiences in planning and execution of installation, testing, pre-commissioning, commissioning, and startup activities of electrical equipment in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 48. Commissioning Engineer – I&C (Onsite) (V4) * Bachelor’s degree (S1) in electrical engineering. * 6 years working experiences in planning and execution of installation, testing, pre-commissioning, commissioning, and startup activities of electrical equipment in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 49. Construction Coordinator (V4) * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering all discipline * 8 years or diploma (D3) in engineering all discipline * Minimum 10 years working experience or SMA/STM with 15 years working experience as Lead/Superintendent Construction/Site Manager Project or any other highest leader position that supervised construction project * Minimum 6 years inside in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 50. Construction Representative (V4) * (S1) in engineering all discipline * 6 years or diploma (D3) in engineering all discipline * Minimum 8 years working experience or SMA/STM with 13 years working experience in engineering and construction execution * Minimum 4 years of which in oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities, or power generation projects. 51. Deputy Project Manager (V4) * Bachelor’s Degree (S1) all discipline * Minimum of 12 years, or Diploma (D3) all discipline with 15 years * SMA/STM with 18 years of work experience as a Project Manager/Assistant Project Manager of EPC/EPCI/PC/projects * At least 8 years inside in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 52. Field Construction Engineer (V4) * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering all discipline * Minimum 6 years or diploma (D3) in engineering all discipline with minimum 8 years working experience * SMA/STM with 13 years working experience in engineering and construction execution in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/Highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 53. Field Survey Engineer (V4) * Bachelor’s degree (S1) in any engineering discipline. * Minimum 5-year experience in performing site data measurement and collection covering the dimension of equipment’s, surface facilities (on plot and off plot), field / geographical area to support technical drawing development * Minimum 5 tahun pengalaman di bidang pengukuran data lapangan dan pengambilan data yang mencakup dimensi peralatan, fasilitas permukaan (off plot and on plot), area geografis/lapangan untuk mendukung pembuatan 54. GIS Engineer (V4) * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering, geology or computer * 5 years working experience in work in the field of digitalizing maps, spatial analysis and layouting. familiar with the concept of Geospatial/Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Engineering * Familiar with GPS (Global positioning System) including the ability to project and understand the existing coordinate system Candidates shall have experience with ArcGIS software. 55. Junior Field Engineer (V4) * Fresh graduate (S1) in engineering all discipline * More or less than 4 years old working experience in since the day of graduation, or D3 engineering all discipline * Minimum less than 5 years old working experience 56. Material Controller (V4) * Bachelor degree (S1) in any discipline * Minimum 5 years working experiences or diploma (D3) in any discipline * At least 8 years working experiences or SMA/STM with 12 years working experience in construction material handling (such as inventory, procurement/purchasing, bill of quantity) * Minimum 4 years of which in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 57. QAQC Coordinator (V4) * Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering all discipline * Minimum 8 years or diploma (D3) in engineering all discipline with minimum 10 years * SMA/STM with 15 years working experience in engineering, construction execution & supervision * Minimum 6 years of which as Supervisor/Inspector in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects 58. Safety Coordinator (V4) * Bachelor degree (S1) * 8 years or diploma (D3) all discipline with minimum 10 years working experience * SMA/STM with 15 years working experience in construction execution, management & field HES supervision. * Minimum 6 years of which as leader in HES organization in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/highrise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects. 59. Safety Representative (V4) * Bachelor degree (S1) all discipline * Minimum 6 years or diploma (D3) all discipline with minimum 8 years working experience, * SMA/STM with 10 years working experience in construction execution, management & field HES supervision * Minimum 4 of which in the field of inspector/HES supervisor in oil & gas, petrochemical, civil structure (road/high-rise building/bridge), mining or power generation projects Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:[PENDAFTARAN] GABUNG DI CHANNEL TELEGRAM AGAR TIDAK KETINGGALAN INFO LOWONGAN TERBARU SETIAP HARINYA KLIK: 
https://t.me/lokerblog (Channel Lowongan Kerja Terbaru)
https://t.me/infolokerblog (Channel Info Loker Terbaru Tahun 2023) Informasi: Diharapkan untuk membaca secara keseluruhan informasi dengan telitiHanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnyaSelama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.Informasi seputar lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS & Swasta lainnya kunjungi www.lokerblog.com

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